
Udacity guided me through all of my steps in programming and web development, and then some more beyond that.

First, I enrolled in their Nanodegree program for front-end web developers, and graduated in July of 2015.

Then I was hired by Udacity to help educate newly-enrolled students in the same program. I worked successfully as a Student Guide, and as a Forum Mentor — and I have a letter of recommendation proving that I did good work for them, for about 9 months, in these capacities.

Now I am freelancing and building my skills up independently.

The Nanodegree: A credential, and the source of my first work portfolio.

You can read Udacity's description of the Front-End Web Developer nanodegree here.

The syllabus at that link describes the courses and projects I completed to earn this credential.

But, following below, I will give my own descriptions of what I did, with links.

Project 1: Produce A Web Page From A Design Mock-up

Courses completed Summary of what I learned
Intro to HTML and CSS
  • The syntax of HTML and CSS
  • The "Box Model" building block of web page elements
  • CSS Grid Layouts, with Twitter Bootstrap
  • Flexbox layouts
Responsive Web Design Fundamentals
  • The reasons for "mobile-first" development
  • Best practices for mobile-first web development
  • Using CSS media queries and break-points to respond to larger and larger screens
  • Common, effective, responsive layout patterns
Responsive Images
  • Every measurement unit images can come in, and be layed out on the page in
  • The relative strengths of vector images, when compared with raster
  • When to use compression and other optimization techniques for images
  • When CSS can be made to render images in amazing and fluid ways
  • When unicode symbols and icon fonts can be used in place of an image
  • Using SVG and data-URIs to inline images inside HTML
  • Modern HTML5 techniques for responsive images: srcset, sizes, and picture

Project 2: Build A Résumé Webpage, From Template and Data

Courses completedSummary of what I learned
JavaScript Basics
  • This was entry-level JavaScript...
  • ...but I'm so fluent in JS now...
  • ...that everything in this course is way-too-easy-to-mention!
  • See the "ReadMe" link above for my thoughts on how to improve this app with ES6
Intro to jQuery
  • I know jQuery very well now too, beyond the limited basics that this course teaches

Project 3: Build A Game Using Object-Oriented JavaScript

Courses completedSummary of what I learned
Object Oriented JavaScript
  • How variable closure works in JS, common pitfalls to avoid with closures
  • How the keyword "this" works in JS, and common pitfalls to avoid with it
  • How prototypal inheritance lets JS do what it does efficiently
  • How prototypal inheritance can be used to do what traditional Object-Oriented programming does
The HTML5 Canvas Element
  • The HTML5 "canvas" element is very powerful, and has an entire native API built for it...
  • ...we learned to do the basics with it...
  • ...then built a "meme maker" app to let users add their words onto any image file

Project 4: Optimizing Websites For Rendering and Network Peformance

Courses completedSummary of what I learned
Website Performance Optimization
  • The order in which a browser receives certain plain-text assets over the network matters a great deal for the time it takes to render the page
  • How the browser processes code into a visual web page is complicated, but understandable
  • How such code-processing can result in optimal or non-optimal page load times
  • This course taught me many, many technical details, which I do remember, and which do matter for the business of delivering good user experience
Browser Rendering Optimization
  • How to use browser developer tools to measure page-rendering operation times...
  • ...and then spot the ones that are currently preventing fluid animations, and then correct them
  • Minimum User Experience standards levels (what is the longest allowable time for page loading, rendering, and response for all users)
  • How to debug mobile web browser performance over USB on our desktops
  • In JavaScript: requestAnimationFrame, coding your thread-blocking JS for minimum time cost, and memory management
  • Using the Web Worker API to put long-running JS off of the main computation thread
  • And many, many details about CSS and efficient browser rendering

Project 5: Build A Single-Page JS Application

Courses completedSummary of what I learned
Intro To Ajax
  • Client and server dichotomy
  • Synchronous versus asynchronous JS statements
  • Why asynchronous data service calls enable the best modern webapps
  • Using jQuery for AJAX requests
  • Avoiding cross-origin "cors" errors
  • Using any of the many third-party API services
JavaScript Design Patterns
  • Why long-term development and changing project requirements require effective design patterns
  • Why "frameworks" will save you time and provide you effective design patterns for long-term development
  • How to structure a client-side single-page JS app with Model-View-Controller "MVC" architecture
  • When to re-factor a codebase for a growing app
  • Why you'll always need to be learning new ways of doing things in web development

Project 6: Using A JS Test Specification Framework

Courses completedSummary of what I learned
JavaScript Testing
  • What a "test framework" is, and how you can write your a test-program to test your main program
  • Why it's a safe practice to define the tests before you write the main program
  • We tested apps with the Jasmine JS test specification running program...
  • ...including tests that were smart enough to wait for asynchronous operations to complete

Guide and Mentor